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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Words have... consequences?

Bill Clinton has entered the rhetorical fray by attempting, on April 16th 2010, to link the TEA Party, and anti-big government, fiscal conservatives, especially those in the Talk Radio business, to violence. Never mind the fact that thus far there has been no violence stemming from conservatives, just from kooks on the left. What struck me was this statement, speaking of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, from the former President:

“By all means keep fighting, by all means, keep arguing. But remember, words have consequences as much as actions do, and what we advocate, commensurate with our position and responsibility, we have to take responsibility for. We owe that to Oklahoma City.”

Does this mean that Clinton is prepared to accept his role in the devaluing of moral virtue? Do his words, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” bring to his mind any of the consequences of his actions?
The complete arrogance of the liberal-minded is put on display every single time one of them attempts to lecture any conservative on values related issues, such as responsibility. Hypocrisy such as this is precisely why, among many other reasons, the Democrat party is going to lose big come November, despite any liberal’s denial of the impending political defeat. I guess if you’re a liberal it “depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.”